Eric Sealine

Eric Sealine,

2013 Aluminum plate, paint, 76" x 58" x 13"

Arabesque is based on a quick gesture drawing that captures the barest essence of a ballet dancer's pose. The figures call attention to the bodies, gestures and motions of people on the Plaza. Sealine’s sculptures employ visual surprises and trompe l'oeil to explore issues of discovery, perception, misperception, and the sometimes-circular flow of time.

Arabesque at night

To see some additional installation images, please click here.

Poetic Gestures and Material Surprises

Saturday Oct 5th 11am "Poetic Gestures and Material Surprises" Eric Sealine & Michelle Lougee will lead a guided tour of Convergence sculptures in a morning conversation about adapting their materials and practices to the scale of the plaza. Eric's first language is architecture and responding to the site came naturally. Michelle incorporates plastic bags, such as the wrappers on the New York Times, into woven biomorphic shapes. Come and explore the exhibition with these two Boston Sculptors.

Kemi Awosile, employee of the Christian Science Plaza, Boston, talks about Eric Sealine's sculpture, "Arabesque", in this video. Arabesque is one piece of a collection of art in the exhibit, Convergence, in Boston, Massachusetts. 

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