The Myth Makers

Myth Makers: Donna Dodson & Andy Moerlein, Poised, 20 ft tall, saplings, wire ties, 2013

Gray-suited and stodgy, frayed but grand, the Great Blue Heron is no bright flash. Elegantly poised, it stands perfectly still, waiting patiently for fish to swim through its legs. The Myth Makers are a collaborative team of sculptors who enjoy the physical and philosophical challenges of working together.

An Arty Night Out! A Solstice Event

Friday June 21st  8pm. Meet at the entrance to the Mary Baker Eddy Library & Museum, 210 Mass Ave and walk around the sculptures that are installed on the plaza and end at the bookstore, where the participants can purchase the catalog. The tour is free and open to the public.

Join artists Donna Dodson and Andy Moerlein for a guided tour of Convergence on the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, under a nearly full moon. New Hampshire sculptor, Andy Moerlein will be joined by Boston artist, Donna Dodson for a romantic stroll in one of Boston's architectural treasures. Plan an early dinner in the city and join us for our walk. 

Update:  MoonHee, an intern on the Christian Science Plaza, tells us why “Poised” is her favorite Convergence‬ sculpture in this video.


  1. Was admiring this striking sculpture yesterday, and was suprprised to hear bird song emanating from it. "How clever!" I thought. "I wonder how the sculptors did that!" Then I noticed that a mockingbird had taken up residence on one of the saplings that make up the head--and was singing away!

    1. Love it! Thanks for sharing that story with us! I love when art and life intermingle!
      Best, Donna
